5 Best Upsell Plugins for WooCommerce

best upsell plugin for woocommerce

Because of the intense competition in the eCommerce industry, it is vital to maximize income per customer to achieve sustainable growth. An efficient method for accomplishing this goal is known as upselling, which involves offering clients the opportunity to purchase additional or improved products while they are checking out. 

There are a lot of upsell plugin for WooCommerce, which can help speed up this process and increase sales. Let me walk you through the top 5 choices.

What is Upselling?

Upselling is a sales strategy that is aimed at convincing customers to purchase extra or upgraded products or services while they are processing their purchases at the checkout counter. Providing customers with suitable add-ons, upgrades, or complementary products that enhance their initial purchase or solve additional needs is an example of this strategy. 

Businesses can boost their average order value and maximize income per customer by providing customers with opportunities to enhance their purchases through the use of various enhancements.

Benefits of Upselling Strategy

Implementing an upselling strategy provides eCommerce enterprises with several benefits, including the following:

Increased Revenue

Businesses that engage in eCommerce can considerably boost their income and profitability through the practice of upselling, which involves pushing customers to purchase additional or upgraded products.

Higher Average Order Value

Businesses can boost their average order value through the practice of upselling, which involves providing customers with additional products or upgrades that enhance the value of their purchase.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

By providing customers with additions or enhancements that are pertinent to their needs, businesses can improve the whole shopping experience for customers and more successfully meet their requirements.

Improved Customer Lifetime Value

It is possible for upselling to contribute to a higher customer lifetime value by developing long-term customer connections and driving recurring purchases from customers.

Competitive Advantage

Differentiating a company from its rivals and establishing it as a reliable advisor that provides individualized recommendations and solutions may be accomplished through the implementation of an upselling plan that is implemented effectively.

Cost-Effective Marketing

As a result of the fact that upselling to existing customers is frequently more cost-effective than gaining new consumers, it is a significant approach for maximizing return on investment.

Data-driven Insights

When businesses engage in upselling, they can collect valuable data about consumer preferences, purchasing behavior, and product performance. This data can then be used to guide future marketing and product development efforts from the company.

Personalized Shopping Experience

Businesses can build a personalized shopping experience that resonates with customers and promotes conversions by providing upsell recommendations that are matched to the tastes and purchase history of the customer.

eCommerce companies can unlock new prospects for revenue growth, customer satisfaction, and long-term success in the highly competitive online marketplace by properly employing upselling methods.  

8 Best Upsell Plugin for WooCommerce

1. WooFunnels

Pricing: $99.5-$399.5/ year (Free version available)

best upsell plugin for woocommerce

One of the most effective upsell and downsell funnel builders is WooFunnels, developed particularly for WooCommerce. Utilizing features such as one-click upsells, A/B testing, and customized funnel templates, this plugin gives you the ability to develop highly targeted upsell offers that are specifically matched to the tastes of your company’s clients. 

“You can simply design upsell and downsell funnels using WooFunnels. These funnels direct clients through a sequence of offers that are different from one another based on their previous purchases. WooFunnels gives you the tools you need to maximize sales chances and enhance average order value. Whether you want to cross-sell similar products or upsell a higher-tier product, WooFunnels has you covered” says, Tom Russell, Director at Factory Weights.

2. YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons & Extra Options

Pricing: $119.99/year (Free version available)

You can upsell extra product choices or upgrades straight on the product page with the help of YITH Product Add-Ons, which is a powerful plugin. You can provide customers with suitable add-ons, such as personalized engraving and extended warranties, to improve their overall shopping experience and increase the average order value.

“By utilizing YITH Product Add-Ons, you will have the ability to generate product alternatives and upsell offers that are fully customizable and will connect easily with your WooCommerce commerce platform. This plugin offers a versatile solution that can be utilized to maximize upsell opportunities and improve revenue, regardless of whether you are selling physical things, digital downloads, or services” says, Mark McShane, Digital PR Agency Owner, Cupid PR.

3. CartFlows

Pricing: $99-$299/year (Free version available)

CartFlows is a sales funnel builder plugin that interacts smoothly with WooCommerce to construct upsell and cross-sell flows that are optimized for the conversion of customers into customers. Through the use of drag-and-drop capabilities and pre-designed templates, you can easily personalize your upsell offers and closely monitor their effectiveness to increase conversions. 

“You can design multi-step sales funnels with CartFlows. These funnels will lead customers through a series of upsell and cross-sell offers based on their behaviors during the purchasing process. It doesn’t matter if you’re pushing similar products, offering package deals, or providing unique discounts; CartFlows can assist you in developing attractive upsell offers that will drive sales and generate income” says Cameron Holland, Marketing Director at GB Foam.

4. OptinMonster

Pricing: $4.97-$29.97/ month (Free version available)

OptinMonster is a sophisticated platform for lead generation and conversion optimization that can be used to construct targeted upsell campaigns. Although it was not intended and developed expressly for upselling, it is capable of doing so. This is made possible by OptinMonster’s features, which include exit-intent popups, tailored offers, and behavioral triggers. These features allow you to capture more sales chances before customers leave your website. 

“You can develop lead capture forms, such as popups, slide-ins, and other forms, that are 100% configurable with OptinMonster. These forms can be tailored to specific consumer segments and product categories. Upsell campaigns that boost conversions and generate income may be created with the assistance of OptinMonster. These campaigns can be used to give exclusive discounts, promote related items, or make personalized suggestions” shares, Holly Cooper, Marketing Manager at LUCAS PRODUCTS & SERVICES.

5. WooCommerce Thank You Page Customizer

Pricing: $33.88/year (Free version available)

Your post-purchase experience may be optimized with the help of the Thank You Page Customizer plugin for WooCommerce. This plugin enables you to provide relevant upsells and cross-sells on the page that confirms your transaction. When a customer’s intention to make additional purchases is high, you can encourage them to do so by showcasing products that are complementary to their existing purchases or making exclusive offers. 

Adam Crossling, Marketing & New Business Director at zenzero says, using the WooCommerce Thank You Page Customizer, you can create upsell offers that are fully configurable and specific to the consumer groups and product categories that you are targeting. Whether you want to promote similar products, give unique discounts, or make personalized suggestions, this plugin helps you maximize sales opportunities and improve revenue. It may also help you deliver personalized recommendations.”

Windy Ko, HARO links specialist at HARO Link Building, shares“This plugin enables you to provide relevant upsells and cross-sells on the page that confirms your transaction. When a customer intends to make additional purchases, you can encourage them to do so by showcasing products that are complementary to their existing purchases or making exclusive offers.” 

6. Thrive Ultimatum

Pricing: $99-$299/year

To increase conversions, the scarcity marketing plugin known as Thrive Ultimatum makes use of the force of urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out) to attract traffic to your website. Thrive Ultimatum is not explicitly designed for upselling; nonetheless, it can be utilized to generate time-sensitive upsell offers or limited-time promos that encourage customers to take immediate action regarding their purchases. 

“You can provide a sense of urgency and motivate clients to purchase by using Thrive Ultimatum, which allows you to build countdown timers, evergreen campaigns, and repeat promos that are fully configurable. You can build upsell offers that drive conversions and generate revenue with the assistance of Thrive Ultimatum. This is true regardless of whether you are launching a seasonal promotion, marketing a flash sale, or offering a limited-time discount” says, Ben Flynn, Manager at Homefield IT.

“To increase conversions, the scarcity marketing plugin known as Thrive Ultimatum makes use of the force of urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out) to attract traffic to your website. Thrive Ultimatum is not explicitly designed for upselling; nonetheless, it can be utilized to generate time-sensitive upsell offers or limited-time promos that encourage customers to take immediate action regarding their purchases” explains, Tim Parker, Director at Syntax Integration.


The implementation of upselling methods within your WooCommerce store has the potential to drastically boost both revenue and profitability. There is a plugin that may assist you in accomplishing your objectives, whether you want to provide individualized product recommendations, develop upsell funnels that have a high conversion rate, or make use of scarcity marketing strategies. 

Unlocking new prospects for growth and success in your eCommerce business can be accomplished by selecting the appropriate upsell plugin for your requirements and customizing your offers based on the behavior of your customers.  

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