How to make a product recommendation quiz for WooCommerce?

Did you know that product recommendation quizzes have a conversion rate of over 37.6%? (source)

They are one of the most effective ways to generate more sales from the traffic you already have.

In this post, I’ll walk you through how to craft a product recommendation quiz for WooCommerce that’ll send your sales soaring!

What is a Product Recommendation Quiz?

Imagine walking into a store where the salesperson knows exactly what you’re looking for, even before you say a word. That’s what a Product Recommendation Quiz does for your WooCommerce site. It’s a clever little quiz that asks your visitors a few questions and then, like magic, shows them the products they’re most likely to buy.

Why Bother Learning This?

You might wonder, “Why should I even learn to make one of these quizzes?” Well, it’s like having a superpower in the e-commerce world. 

Here’s why:

  • Personalized Shopping Experience: Your customers get recommendations tailored just for them, making their shopping journey feel special and understood.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: By showing customers exactly what they’re interested in, they’re more likely to make a purchase.
  • Insightful Customer Data: Every quiz answer gives you a peek into your customers’ preferences, helping you stock up on what they love.
  • Email List Growth: Collect email addresses effortlessly during the quiz for future marketing campaigns, building a list of engaged subscribers.
  • Engagement Boost: Quizzes are fun! They keep visitors clicking, thinking, and engaging with your site longer than static content. 
  • Good SEO Practice: This ties back to the previous thing I mentioned – quizzes boost engagement rate and a high engagement rate is good for SEO, which can bump your WooCommerce page up the SERP!

I’ve got a way to make this super easy for you. 

By the end of my guide, you’ll have a quiz that does all the hard work for you, turning your WordPress site into a personal online shopper for every visitor.

How to Make a WooCommerce Product Recommendation Quiz In 5 Simple Steps

Here’s a straightforward guide to setting up your quiz:

  • Step 1: Install the Quiz Maker plugin.
  • Step 2: Write your quiz questions.
  • Step 3: Design your quiz.
  • Step 4: Link to WooCommerce products.
  • Step 5: Test and tweak your quiz.

Now, let’s dive into the details of each step to ensure your quiz not only engages visitors but also drives your sales.

Step 1: Select The Right Plugin

If we hop over to the plugin section of our WordPress dashboard and type in Quiz you’ll quickly notice that there are a ton of different quiz plugins.

For this tutorial, we are going to install Quiz Maker  – in my opinion, the most beginner-friendly plugin.

Keep in mind that this is a paid plugin.Quiz maker plugin by Quiz Maker Team

Don’t click away just because you’ve got a different plugin! This tutorial is still packed with insights you’ll find useful. Sure, the settings may vary, but the core principles remain the same.

Step 2: Creating Your Questions

We are now in the Quiz Maker dashboard, now what? Well, we are going to create the key features of your quiz: the questions!

Let’s say you’re selling the latest tech gear, from iPhones to the newest PlayStation games. You want to help your visitors find the right games for their shiny new console. 

There are multiple types of questions like:

All question types of Quiz Maker

  • Radio: Pick one option. “What’s your favorite game genre?”
  • Checkbox (Multiple): Choose as many as you like. “What types of games do you enjoy?”
  • Dropdown: A tidy list for choosing, say, your current console.
  • Text: Type out your answer, like naming your top game.
  • Number: How many hours do you game each week?
  • Date: When did you buy your console?
  • True/False: “VR games are the future.” Agree?
  • Fill in the Blanks: “The first PlayStation came out in ____.”
  • Matching: Link games to their genres or consoles for a bit of fun.

Even though we just want to create a simple quiz it’s still highly recommended to add a variety of question types to keep users more engaged.

Tip: A good quiz is short and simple. Don’t use unnecessary, or complicated words. Instead of asking “Which genre of interactive electronic entertainment do you prefer?” just ask “What’s your favorite game genre? (source)

The way you ask a question can really change things. You could stick with simple bullet points for multiple choice, or why not throw in some cool illustrations? You can even say something like “Guess the game this character’s from?” with a blurred-out image and four characters to choose from.

Want to see a fun take on multiple-choice questions? Check out this waifu test from Menprovement for some inspiration.

Step 3: Creating an Engaging Quiz Design

OK, so you have created an awesome quiz with a variety of different questions. 

Congratulations. 🎉

However, we’re not finished yet!! Design plays a crucial role in product recommendations quizzes and it could make or break your conversion rate.

When you search “best quiz design for conversion,” you’ll find a mix of advice. 

Some suggest using a green theme with multiple-choice questions, while others favor red with matching questions. 

The reality? 

You’ll need to adjust your design and questions based on what you’re selling for the best outcomes.

Here’s my tip: put extra effort into your quiz design. Yes, it’s time-consuming, but a slick design can boost engagement and conversions. To jazz up your quiz, consider adding:

Tip: I personally like to design my questions in Canva and then upload them as pictures. This immediately draws the user’s attention rather than plain text.

Example of an engaging question vs a plain question

Step 4: Creating Your Questions

  • Questions? Check
  • Smooth design? Double-check

Now we just need to integrate our WooCommerce products into the quiz and Voíla – we’ve just made a WooCommerce Quiz! 

The cool thing about Quiz Maker is that it automatically integrates with WooCommerce. Simply install the plugin and make sure the products you want in your quiz are added to the ‘products’ section in the WooCommerce plugin.

Adding WooCommerce products to Quiz Maker

Because it’s linked with WooCommerce, the prices, images, and other details will update too. So, if you’re running a sale, just make the changes in WooCommerce, and your quiz will reflect these adjustments automatically.

Step 5: Finetuning Your Quiz 

Almost done, we just need to finetune our quiz to make sure everything is working. Copy and paste the shortcode into a new page and publish it. Try the quiz to make sure everything works well and the design is the way you want it to be.

Testing my WooCommerce Quiz

All set? Great! 

Then we are ready to promote our quiz. There are multiple ways to do this:

  • Email Your List: Kick things off by sending a friendly email to your subscribers. Let them know about your new quiz and why it’s a must-try. A personal touch can go a long way here.
  • Share on Social Media: Use your social media accounts to spread the word. A couple of engaging posts or stories can create buzz and encourage shares.
  • Website Banners: Add a catchy banner on your homepage or blog. It should grab attention and make visitors curious to check out the quiz.
  • Exit Popup: Implement an exit-intent popup on your site. It’s a great way to catch those who might be leaving without discovering your quiz. A simple message like, “Wait, did you try our fun quiz?” can work wonders.

Boost Sales By Taking Your Quiz A Step Further…

The quiz is a huge success and your sales have skyrocketed, good job! But did you know you can get even more sales by retargeting the users from your product recommendation quiz??

Personalize Those Emails

Going back to the video game quiz example, someone just finished it and found out which video game is their perfect match. 

Now, shoot them an email that feels like it’s just for them. Mention the game they matched with, and maybe throw in a special offer or a cool fact about the game. It shows you’re paying attention.

Get Smart with Ads

Let’s say someone took the quiz and got the quiz results but didn’t buy their recommended game. Use what you know from their quiz answers to show ads for that specific game as they browse the web. 

Look Under the Hood with Analytics

  • Which part of your quiz do people love the most? 
  • Which quiz results are most common? 
  • Where do they get stuck? 
  • What are the quiz completion rates?

Use this info to tweak your quiz. 

Tip: Some WooCommerce product recommendation quizzes like Quiz Maker have a report feature that gathers valuable data like demographics and the time they spend on each question.

User info of a quiz maker response

Make Quizzes Come Alive with Video

Imagine adding a short clip where a character from the game talks directly to the quiz-taker, leading them through a question. It’s way more engaging and can make your quiz something people talk about.

Sync Up with Your CRM

And finally, keep track of your customers’ quiz answers in your CRM. Next time they reach out, you’ll know exactly which games they like and can make recommendations they’ll appreciate. It’s like having a secret dossier on what makes your customers tick.

Wrapping Up and My Experience With WooCommerce Product Recommendation Quizzes

I’ve been using a WooCommerce product recommendation quiz for the past 3 months now and they’ve skyrocketed my sales. In fact, I’ve seen a 15% increase in sales during last Black Friday than the one before and the only thing I did was add a simple exit pop-up product recommendation quiz.

So should you add them? Absolutely! They can not only generate more sales but also enhance your website’s user experience and gather valuable data.

It’s a win-win!

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