5+ Order Confirmation Page Designs That Boost Conversions

Order confirmation page design

The order confirmation page serves as its name suggests. Customers will be taken to this page after they fulfill the information requests on the checkout page. When visiting the order confirmation page, customers get a chance to review and track their orders. The least they need is the affirmation that their orders have been ordered successfully.

That being said, together with the order confirmation, you should include some other elements to make the page work at full capacity. Apart from the homepage or product pages, the order confirmation page is able to generate conversions and increase brand awareness if you effectively utilize it.

Let’s explore more about the potential of the order confirmation page so that you can efficiently use it for your future marketing campaigns. Besides, we show outstanding order confirmation page designs that inspire store owners.

What is an order confirmation page?

The order confirmation page, which serves as a confirmation and summary of the order details, is displayed after a customer completes a purchase. It is also known as a thank you page specifically designed for eCommerce sites.

The page provides customers with important information about their purchase, such as the items purchased, quantities, prices, shipping information, and order number. Its main purpose is to assure customers that their order has been successfully placed.

If the homepage and product pages are where customers explore your products or services, the order confirmation page is the place to notify customers of the order’s status and interact more with them after purchases.

Why is it important to optimize the page for eCommerce sites?

There are lots of benefits you can gain if you have a good order confirmation page design.

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: A well-optimized order confirmation page ensures a seamless and user-friendly experience for customers. It helps them easily understand and review their order details, reducing any confusion or frustration. But note that user experience will be enhanced only with necessary visual elements, such as a tick or a check mark icon to confirm the order, thank you graphic to make users feel appreciated, and more, which we’ll discuss later in this post.
  • Post-Purchase Engagement: You can leverage the order confirmation page to engage customers further. In particular, you can include social buttons, product recommendations, offer incentives for future purchases, or ask for feedback from customers.
  • Cross-Selling and Upselling: The order confirmation page is the best place to encourage people to buy more. You can use any supporting tool to add related items or product bundles to the page. This will be a valuable opportunity for cross-selling or upselling.

5+ Order Confirmation Page Designs That Boost Conversions

Following are some order confirmation page examples that are believed to inspire you:

1. Amazon

Amazon order confirmation page

As soon as customers come to the thank you page, Amazon shows a prominent green-colored thank you message, together with a notification of an email confirmation. What’s more, it offers easy access to track shipments.

Amazon’s order confirmation page design features clear order information, including an order number, item name, and delivery information. A “Review or edit the order” button is included so that customers can change their information in case there’s anything wrong in the order summary. Then, seeing on the right is the incorporation of social sharing buttons that allows customers to share their purchase experience with their friends.

Amazon excels in cross-selling and upselling strategies. As you can see in the image above, the order confirmation page spends a lot of space showcasing relevant product recommendations based on the customer’s purchase and view history. In fact, from its homepage to the order confirmation page, Amazon seamlessly offers personalized recommendations. It is reported that 35% of Amazon’s overall profits come from cross-selling and upselling.

2. Harry’s

Harry's order confirmation page

Harry’s order confirmation page design becomes distinctive compared to other ones due to its survey and pro tips. Survey questions help store owners collect customers’ insights for further improvement while the Pro Tips section educates their customers about the product.

During the customer journey, the order confirmation page proves to be the best location to place a survey because it doesn’t interrupt the purchase flow. So customers won’t feel annoyed with it. They will even highly appreciate the survey and be so happy to complete it. This is considered an effective way to improve your post-purchase experience.

It is regarded as a unique point of Harry’s when offering pro tips for the purchased item. This is a post-purchase tip worth learning, helping store owners enhance customer experience and build customer relationships.

3. Walmart

Walmart thank you page

Walmart is one of the largest eCommerce retailers in the USA. Like Amazon, this superstore also invests in the order confirmation page design.

At a glance, you can see it is a well-organized page that allows customers to grab their order information and track the delivery easily. Apart from showing order details like item name, price, payment method, and customer details, Walmart’s thank you page highlights the estimated delivery date and builds a shipping progress bar. It also displays the link letting customers check their current order status on Walmart. That every order-related detail is shown clearly will help build customer trust and confidence.

The Continue Shopping button with the text in blue is placed at the top of the page, opposite the thank you message. Giving priority to this button proves the desire to motivate customers to go back to their store and purchase more.

The most outstanding section of the page is the 10% cashback offer that is located at the bottom. The process for getting the cashback is not explicitly stated, prompting customers to click the button for more information. Because your products have already attracted the interest of customers, offering this incentive is likely to keep them continuing to browse in your store and encourage repeat purchases.

4. Marks & Spencer

Marks & Spencer - best order confirmation page design

There are not too many things in the order confirmation page design of Marks & Spencer. A simple thank you message, basic information for the order summary, a discount offer with a registration box, and a brand message on the sidebar. Anyway, it is enough to deliver what the shop wants to send to customers.

Marks & Spencer uses a bigger font size for the thank you message to make it clearer for customers to read. Meanwhile, the green color together with white text is used to highlight important sections such as the 10% discount and brand message. Some images and icons are also included to make the brand message section more attractive to customers.

Next to the discount box is a registration box that allows customers to join the discount program. Customers tend to take action after completing a purchase with great satisfaction while shopping, therefore, there is a high probability of creating conversions.

5. American Eagle

American Eagle eCommerce thank you page

American Eagle scores over other eCommerce stores thanks to offering support contact information on the order confirmation page although order tracking is set up.

After purchasing your product, customers might worry about dealing with some problems, such as delivery to the wrong shipping address, delivery delays, and product defects. Grabbing this consumer psychology, American Eagle provides customers with different methods to contact the shop. In addition, the affirmation “Need to return something? Print or show this page in-store to use as a receipt” makes customers feel more secure. This is truly an effective way to prevent buyer’s remorse.

American Eagle - best order confirmation page

Another unique point about American Eagle is the pricing section is placed separately. If other eCommerce stores often offer the total price, American Eagle divides the total price into different price sections for merchandise, shipping, and tax. With this clear separation, American Eagle shows its own honesty and customers will put more trust in the store.

How to create an order confirmation page design using WooBuilder & Elementor

Integrated with Elementor, the free Woostify theme allows you to build your WooCommerce site at a basic level. By upgrading to Woostify Pro, you’ll gain access to a range of advanced features, including WooBuilder, a powerful page builder for WooCommerce pages.

Woobuilder, incorporated with Elementor, helps create the order confirmation page template and build multiple elements for the page. On the page editor, you just drag and drop the widgets from the Elementor menu bar.

Here is an example of the order confirmation page design we built using Woostify Pro.

WooCommerce order confirmation page

As shown in the image, this order confirmation page includes 5 main sections. We use different Woostify widgets to create each element:

  • Thank you message box includes a thank you message, additional text, and a thank you icon.
  • The order information part is located on the left and below the thank you message. Here we add order overview, order details, and customer details. We also add some headings to make each part stand out.
  • Feedback is built next to the order information. We create a feedback form to interact more with customers and build a relationship.
  • Social share buttons are added below the feedback box. They allow your customers to share the product with their friends.
  • Related products make the order confirmation an ideal place to promote popular items in the store. You also can add frequently bought together products to boost cross-selling and upselling.

We also drag some widgets of white spaces, padding, images, and videos to create a balanced layout for the page and make it more captivating.

Actually, it takes us less than 10 minutes to create this order confirmation page design. Not any coding skills are required here!

Watch our video to see how we build an order confirmation page (eCommerce thank you page) from A to Z. And see more order confirmation templates here.

5+ Best practices for designing an order confirmation page

1. Prominent Thank You Message

The thank you message which is seen first after customers visit the order confirmation page should be the most outstanding part of the page. Store owners use them to communicate with their customers and express a sense of gratitude. Here are some examples of a thank you message:

  • Thank You!
  • Thank You, first_name!
  • Thank you for your order!
  • Thank you for shopping!
  • Thank you for your purchase!
  • Thank you! You are all set

Besides the thank you message, you can write additional text to interact more with customers. You should give the message text a bigger size, choose the most prominent color for it, and insert an icon to make this section appealing.

thank you page best practices

2. Clear Order Information

An order overview with a unique order number, date, total price, and payment method will help customers review their orders. It also serves as a reference point for customers and facilitates tracking and communication.

Apart from the overview section, you also should let customers see order details, including item names, quantities, prices, shipping fees, billing address, shipping address, and any applied discounts or promotions. It is essential to have this section on the order confirmation page, especially when customers order multiple items.

A clear layout should also be set up so that customers can grab every part of the order information section quickly and easily.

thank you page order details

3. Social Share Buttons

Social sharing is often an essential part of any word-of-mouth marketing strategy. By enabling customers to share their purchases on social channels, you’ll increase brand visibility and bring more referral traffic, resulting in additional conversions and sales.

Many customers tend to introduce their items to their friends after completing their purchases. Therefore, the order confirmation page is an ideal place to add social share buttons. If possible, you should consider offering incentives or discounts to motivate customers to click on social share buttons.

You can place these buttons near the order details or the thank you message to make these buttons easily visible and accessible to customers. However, they are not the main focus of the page, so please keep them simple and aligned with your brand aesthetics.

social share buttons for order confirmation page

4. Upsell and Cross-Sell Opportunities

The order confirmation page gives you a great chance to create additional purchases.

Based on customers’ order history, you can suggest relevant products that are frequently bought together with the items in their order. It is also recommended to offer exclusive bundles or packages that provide added value compared to buying individual items separately. Another idea is showcasing popular products that receive positive reviews from other customers.

To encourage people to take action, you can set them a special offer for a limited time. You certainly will increase your revenue if your offers align with their preferences and needs. Even if customers don’t buy anything else, this is still a good occasion for you to promote popular or new products.

Offer relevant upsell or cross-sell suggestions based on the customer’s purchase. Display complementary products or accessories that enhance their experience or offer additional value. Ensure these suggestions are non-intrusive and genuinely beneficial to the customer.

WooCommerce upsells and cross-sells

5. Ask for feedback

This is another way to communicate with customers and explore their insights to improve customer experience. Customers will feel appreciated when you show interest in listening to their thoughts and opinions.

You also should clearly state the purpose of the feedback request. For example, you want to improve products and services or offer customers better shopping experiences. To persuade customers to give feedback, you need to be straightforward, show your enthusiasm, and ensure customer information’s confidentiality. In addition, offering incentives is an interesting way to motivate customers to share their feedback.

Customer feedback offers valuable insights for every store owner. Regularly analyze the feedback received and take action on relevant suggestions to continually improve your products and services.

ask for feedback on order confirmation page

6. Other elements

Apart from the five best practices mentioned above, you also consider adding the following elements to their order information page, including:

  • Delivery information: Clearly communicate the expected delivery date or estimated shipping timeframe. If applicable, include tracking information or a link for customers to monitor the progress of their shipment. This transparency helps manage customer expectations.
  • Contact Information and Support: Clearly provide customer support contact information, such as phone numbers, email addresses, or live chat options. Make it easy for customers to reach out if they have any questions or issues regarding their order. Consider including support hours or response timeframes to manage expectations.
  • Return and Refund Policy: Summarize your return and refund policy on the order confirmation page. Include essential details such as timeframes, conditions, and any specific instructions on initiating returns. This helps customers understand their options and fosters trust.

Build your own order confirmation page right now,

The order confirmation page, or thank you page, can be used as a powerful tool for creating more conversions and increasing revenue. Besides, it gives you an opportunity to build post-purchase relationships with customers.

To create a unique order confirmation page design with countless creative ideas, you’ll need a supporting tool like WooBuilder, which is only usable when you use Woostify Pro. This pro feature allows you to add numerous elements to the page and customize them as well.

Also, don’t forget to look at the tips and examples shown in the article. They will assist you in coming up with innovative ideas for your thank you page.

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