5+ Best WooCommerce Follow Up Emails Plugins


WooCommerce follow up emails are an excellent way to engage customers and solicit feedback for your online store.

Following up with clients after a sale and engaging with them on a regular basis helps to establish connections. It’s a personal touch that many other businesses don’t provide. This is why sending WooCommerce follow up emails is critical.

In this article, I will give you the list of the top 5 best WooCommerce follow up emails plugins that help you easily send your post-purchase emails in your WooCommerce store.

What Are WooCommerce Follow-up Emails?

Follow-up emails are a series of emails sent in response to your customers’ actions. It encourages them to select a paid plan over a free trial, schedule a guided product tour, leave a product review, purchase another product, or return to your store after a period of inactivity. Every company will have a unique set of emails to help them achieve their objectives.

WooCommerce automated follow-up emails are emails that are sent after a customer purchases something from your WooCommerce store. The typical delay is one week, but you can make it shorter or longer.

Why should we use follow-up emails in WooCommerce?

Sending follow-up emails can bring a lot of benefits to your WooCommerce store.

Boost conversions

In the long run, a satisfied customer is a returning customer. Some of the follow-ups will have immediate effects (for example, abandoned cart emails), while others will have a delay (i.e. winning back inactive WooCommerce customers). A follow-up email is an excellent way to communicate with your buyers from day one and throughout their customer journey. Additionally, offering a seamless and convenient client portal can further enhance their experience by giving them easy access to their order history, personalized recommendations, and a direct channel for support inquiries.

Create trustworthy relationships.

Follow-up emails aren’t just sales emails that you send once and hope to get a sale from. They are a series of emails sent to customers to express shop owners’ gratitude for their purchase, improve their experience after purchasing your product, and potentially reduce post-purchase dissonance. Make it a point to show your customers that you care about them and prioritize them.

Organize the audience

Follow-ups are intended to be triggered when specific events occur in your store (customer buys a specific product, customer orders for the first time, the customer is inactive for a long period of time). To ensure that you reach the right people at the right time, all communication is filtered by specific rules.

Email marketing should be automated.

And, perhaps most importantly, once you’ve set up your follow-ups flow, the magic happens without your intervention and is completely automated. Prepare your follow-up campaign once, and it will be sent to all customers who meet the criteria automatically.

5+ Best WooCommerce Email Follow Up Plugins

1. Retainful – FREE


Standing at the first position of the top best WooCommerce follow up emails plugins is Retainful. It is a free and powerful WordPress plugin that can assist you in recovering cart abandonment. It can be used to automatically schedule follow-up emails to your clients on a timed basis.

You can use the automation workflow editor to schedule and automate follow-up emails in a timed sequence, such as sending a WooCommerce auto email after placing an order.

All cart abandonment emails include a one-of-a-kind recovery link. Customers can use that link to retrieve and complete their orders.


Key Features:

  • Send an unlimited number of order follow-up emails.
  • Use the workflow editor, you can create and launch email campaigns in minutes.
  • Customize follow-up emails by using a drag-and-drop email editor.
  • Automatically send follow-up emails whenever a customer abandons their online shopping cart.
  • Send as many cart recovery follow-up emails as you want.
  • Allow shoppers to repurchase the items in your abandoned cart.
  • Automatically stop sending follow-up emails, when the cart is recovered.

Retainful, interestingly, can also help drive repeat sales to your online store. Create and send appealing next order coupon codes to customers, which they can use for future purchases. These coupon codes encourage customers to shop at your store again and again, and you can achieve 100% customer retention.

2. FluentCRM – $129


FluentCRM is one of the best email marketing automation plugins for WordPress, allowing you to create well-segmented contact lists and design automated eCommerce emails directly from your dashboard. It seamlessly integrates with the most popular eCommerce platforms, including WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads, making email marketing for WooCommerce users easier.

You can maximize your eCommerce revenue by sending eye-catching emails that reach the inbox with FluentCRM. FluentCRM’s automation features are useful. You can send welcome emails, post-purchase emails, targeted emails, and many other types of emails based on a product or product category.


FluentCRM provides two triggers for WooCommerce email automation: purchase trigger and refund trigger.

When a customer purchases a product from your store, the purchase trigger begins. This trigger can be set to run for specific products or product categories. The product refund trigger does exactly what it says on the tin: it begins an automation when a refund request arrives in your WooCommerce store.

The plugin also includes a purchase history, which displays your customer’s purchased product as well as its details.

Key Features:

  • Send an unlimited number of emails and manage an unlimited number of contacts.
  • There are numerous integrations with other popular WordPress plugins.
  • Automated email sequences, email campaigns, and a slew of other features allow you to personalize them.
  • Email creation in the form of blocks, with custom HTML editing capabilities.
  • Capability to create segmented contact lists
  • In-depth analytics to track client activities, total revenue, number of orders, and so on.
  • A/B testing, link metrics, smart links, and other techniques are available.

3. AutomateWoo – $99


AutomateWoo is another excellent option in the WooCommerce extensions store for increasing customer engagement and conversions. It integrates seamlessly with the WooCommerce interface and makes it simple to create targeted email campaigns.

Automate Workflows can be created with Woo. Each Workflow is made up of different combinations of Triggers, Rules, and Actions.

Triggers define the circumstances under which the workflow will be executed. After a customer completes an order, for example, an action could be triggered.

Rules enable you to define more advanced logic for your workflows, allowing them to be triggered only under certain conditions. For example, a rule could be set to trigger a workflow only for orders that exceed $100.

When a specific workflow is triggered, actions take place. You can use AutomateWoo to create a variety of customizable actions, such as changing the status of an order, sending emails, or defining custom functions if you’re a developer.

You can schedule your Workflow to run at any time after you’ve created it. It can be set to run immediately after a certain period, at a specific hour of the day, or on a specific day of the week.


Besides, with AutomateWoo, you can set up campaigns to send emails to customers at predetermined intervals or in response to specific customer interactions in your store. It has advanced features that allow it to distinguish between existing customers and new users even before they sign in, as well as capture guest user email addresses during checkout.

Key features:

  • To help you engage your customers more effectively, create follow-up campaigns, text message campaign, abandoned cart reminders, triggered SMS notifications, and so on.
  • Allows you to reward customers for writing reviews about your products.
  • Make wishlist reminders, birthday emails, credit card expiration notifications, and so on.
  • Assists in the creation of dynamic coupons that are tailored to the needs of the customer.
  • Features for measuring the success of each of your campaigns, including detailed reporting.
  • There is no limit to how many emails can be sent.
  • Customization at the developer level is flexible.

4. ShopMagic – FREE


Shop Magic is a WooCommerce marketing automation and follow-up email plugin that is specifically designed to help you take your eCommerce business to the next level. Follow-up emails, customized transactional emails, automation emails based on customer order status, prioritizing emails, and much more are all possible with the plugin. The plugin provides complete access to the data of both the customer and the store. It’s so adaptable that you can customize it with additional features to suit your needs.

Furthermore, the plugin works as a reminder in WooCommerce, allowing you to create a thank you message with a reminder, making it easier to send emails to your customers. Winback emails, staff notification emails, feedback emails, and much more can all be easily designed and handled.


Shop Magic is a WooCommerce plugin that also helps you recover abandoned carts with a free add-on called “Recover Abandoned Carts.” Adding customers to the Mailchimp list during checkout is another appealing feature. This allows you to send WooCommerce automated emails or newsletters to your customers based on their store activities.

If you run a WooCommerce business, this is a must-try follow-up email and marketing automation plugin. It’s simple to use and will help you take your business to the next level.

Key features:

  • Send customers follow-up emails once the purchases have been done.
  • Allow shop owners to create and send customized emails for every order status, including pending and canceled orders.
  • Allow customers to create and manage multiple customer lists.
  • Work well with Mailchimp to add customers to Mailchimp lists when they complete a purchase.

5. WooCommerce custom emails – $39


The next option for you to send follow up emails is WooCommerce Custom Emails plugin.

This RightPress’ premium plugin allows you to send follow-up emails to customers. You can personalize emails and create a variety of conditions to suit your needs and ensure that the emails are only sent to the customers or groups you specify. This will increase the number of people who open your emails. As a result, your email marketing campaigns will be more successful.


Key features:

  • Help store owners create personalized transactional emails.
  • Choose which user groups will receive emails with ease.
  • Add dynamic content to email using macros.
  • Make content blocks that can be reused over and over again.
  • Automate email sending using triggers.
  • Customize the sending schedule by simple intervals, dates, and custom conditions.

Final thoughts,

In terms of increasing sales, email marketing has been shown to be eight times more effective than social media.

A good WooCommerce follow up email plugin is a valuable resource for increasing revenue by selling to existing clients. The plugin can be used to develop powerful marketing tactics. We hope that this article helped you pick out the topmost suitable WooCommerce follow up email plugins for your online business. In case, you do not have time to focus on email marketing campaigns, you should find some of the best email marketing agencies to address it for you.

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