13 Best Sticky Add to Cart Button Examples & Practices

Sticky Add to Cart Button Examples & Practices

The add to cart button is an inevitable element in any online stores, and it plays a pivotal role in driving conversions and shaping user experiences. Crafting an effective sticky add to cart button necessitates a blend of intuitive design and user-centric practices. In this article, we delve into the best sticky add to cart button examples, shedding light on the innovative approaches and best practices that empower online retailers to optimize their sales funnel and engage customers seamlessly.

Now let’s get started!

What is a Sticky Add to cart Button & Its benefits?

A Sticky Add to Cart button is a persistent website or app element that remains visible to users as they scroll through product pages. This button allows users to easily add items to their shopping cart without needing to scroll back up, enhancing the user experience and potentially boosting conversions by streamlining the purchasing process.

The “Add to Cart” button offers several benefits that contribute to an enhanced user experience and improved conversion rates in eCommerce:

  • Simplified Shopping Process: The button streamlines the shopping journey, enabling users to swiftly add desired items to their cart without navigating away from the product page.
  • Instant Gratification: Users can experience immediate satisfaction by adding products to the cart, reinforcing their intent to make a purchase.
  • Decision Flexibility: The button allows users to explore multiple products and add them to the cart while continuing to browse, enabling easier comparison before finalizing purchases.
  • Reduced Abandonment: By offering a seamless path to cart addition, the button helps counteract cart abandonment, a common issue when the buying process is complex.
  • Visual Feedback: Interaction with the button triggers visual cues, like animations or color changes, confirming the user’s action and providing assurance.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Particularly vital for mobile users, the button ensures easy access, negating the need for excessive scrolling on smaller screens.
  • Cross-Selling and Upselling: Cart interactions can be leveraged to recommend related products, potentially increasing the average order value.
  • Faster Conversions: With fewer steps between product selection and checkout initiation, the button accelerates the conversion process.
  • Persistent Visibility: Employing sticky “Add to Cart” buttons ensures continuous visibility, even as users scroll, promoting prompt action without requiring them to return to the top of the page.

Incorporating a well-designed and strategically placed “Add to Cart” button can thus significantly enhance user satisfaction, engagement, and, ultimately, the success of an eCommerce platform.

5 Factors to Consider When Creating A Sticky Add to Cart Button

When it comes to eCommerce, the strategic implementation of a sticky add to cart button can redefine user experience and conversion rates. Let’s delve into five pivotal factors to consider when crafting this essential feature:

#1. Adjust the sticky add to cart button on various devices

Consistent usability across devices is crucial. A responsive design ensures the button’s seamless performance on various screen sizes, offering users a uniform and accessible way to add items to their cart, irrespective of the device they use.

#2. Show correct customer intent

The clarity in user action is vital. A prominently labeled “Add to Cart” button with an intuitive icon aligns with customer intent. This direct correlation reduces ambiguity, instilling confidence and aiding swift decision-making.

#3. Include additional information

Enhancing informed choices boosts conversions. Displaying essential details like prices, colors, and product images alongside the sticky button eliminates the need for users to backtrack, expediting the purchase process and enriching their shopping experience.

#4. Choose the right position to place the add to cart button

Strategic positioning drives engagement. Placing the sticky button either at the top of the page or near product descriptions ensures seamless access during browsing, catalyzing interactions and augmenting user convenience.

#5. Consider other checkout elements

Seamless transition amplifies the user journey. Design consistency with other checkout components like “View Cart” or “Proceed to Checkout” buttons to maintain a coherent shopping flow, minimizing friction and guiding users smoothly toward finalizing their purchases.

By carefully considering these factors, eCommerce platforms can elevate the functionality of their sticky add to cart buttons, ultimately revolutionizing user satisfaction and conversion rates.

8 Sticky Add to Cart Button Examples from Mobile eCommerce Sites

#1. Gymshark

Gymshark’s region-specific copy adaptation is a brilliant example of tailoring the user experience to individual preferences. By altering the call to action based on the shopper’s location, they tap into the psychology of familiarity. For UK customers, the term “add to bag” aligns with local colloquialisms, creating a sense of relatability.

On the other hand, for US shoppers, the term “add to cart” resonates with the language commonly used in the region’s eCommerce environment. This minor yet impactful modification enhances the user journey, as shoppers encounter phrases that mirror their accustomed vernacular, fostering a stronger connection and engendering trust. In a global market, such attention to detail demonstrates Gymshark’s commitment to user-centricity and exemplifies the power of personalized content in boosting engagement and conversion rates.

#2. Skims

Skims’ take on the sticky add to cart button is a stroke of design ingenuity. Rather than a conventional button, they’ve opted for a banner that stretches across the entire page. This distinctive approach ensures that the button remains in sight as users navigate the page. What’s even more impressive is how seamlessly this banner aligns with Skims’ overall website aesthetics. Keeping it in line with their brand visuals makes the button an integral part of the browsing experience.

Skims’ choice not only prioritizes functionality but also underscores their commitment to a cohesive design narrative. This sophisticated use of a branded, full-length sticky add to cart banner speaks volumes about Skims’ dedication to user-centric design, transforming a mundane shopping element into an integral part of their brand’s identity.

#3. Bailey Nelson

Bailey Nelson’s strategic placement of the checkout button exemplifies a user-centric approach. By positioning it at the top of the page, they ensure that the next steps in the purchasing journey are immediately accessible. What sets their implementation apart is the inclusion of comprehensive product details within the button’s copy itself.

By incorporating the product name, color, and price, Bailey Nelson provides shoppers with crucial information even before they proceed to checkout. This transparency not only empowers users to make informed decisions but also streamlines the checkout process by minimizing the need for back-and-forth referencing. Bailey Nelson’s thoughtful design choice not only simplifies the path to purchase but also showcases its commitment to enhancing the customer experience through thoughtful and strategic design elements.

#4. Holland Cooper

Holland Cooper’s distinctive approach to their sticky bar sets them apart from the norm. Unlike traditional implementations, their bar is notably larger and strategically timed to appear as customers near the bottom of the page. This deliberate decision maximizes its impact, capturing attention precisely when users are likely to be ready to take action. The banner’s compelling call to action, “make a selection,” prompts engagement and underscores the brand’s desire to guide users through their choices.

Moreover, Holland Cooper’s thoughtful inclusion of vital product information within the copy elevates the shopping experience. By showcasing the product name, color, and price, they empower shoppers with essential details at a glance. This not only enriches decision-making but also streamlines the selection process.

Holland Cooper’s innovative use of a sizable, strategically timed sticky bar showcases their dedication to user engagement and experience. This bold design choice and informative copy emphasize their commitment to facilitating seamless interactions and informed purchases, making the shopping journey convenient and delightful.

#5. Lazy Oaf

Lazy Oaf’s approach to their sticky buy button is a masterclass in design cohesion. The button seamlessly integrates into the site’s monochrome color palette, epitomizing visual harmony. This deliberate alignment not only underscores their commitment to aesthetic integrity but also ensures that the button feels like an integral part of the website’s overall look and feel.

The strategic placement of the buy button, positioned just above another sticky element offering a 10% discount, showcases their knack for guiding user behavior. This combination encourages shoppers to not only make a purchase but also presents an enticing incentive, all while keeping these interactions conveniently within view as users explore the site.

Lazy Oaf’s attention to design congruence and thoughtful positioning exemplifies their understanding of user engagement. By blending form and function effortlessly, they create an experience where seamless design and strategic functionality coexist, ultimately enriching the user journey and potentially driving conversions.

#6. Ruggable

Ruggable’s quick buy button employs a distinct approach by adopting a banner format at the page’s base. The use of a prominent, vibrant yellow hue diverges from the site’s subdued blue branding, generating an intentional visual contrast. This choice ingeniously draws attention, ensuring the button doesn’t go unnoticed amidst the surrounding elements.

The strategic positioning at the bottom of the page encourages engagement when users have likely explored the product thoroughly. This ensures that the quick buy option is readily accessible for those who have made their decision. The stark divergence from the site’s typical color scheme serves as a visual cue, guiding users toward an action.

Ruggable’s innovative combination of positioning and color choice demonstrates an understanding of visual cues and user behavior. By deploying a conspicuous, color-contrasting banner at the page’s bottom, they effectively facilitate quick purchases while making a bold visual statement, all within the framework of an engaging and effective user experience.

#7. Caraway Home

Caraway’s popup add to cart button showcases a clever and user-friendly approach. This unique feature allows shoppers to seamlessly choose the color of their desired product through a dropdown menu that appears wherever they are on the page. This strategy eliminates the need for users to navigate back to the product page or scroll extensively to modify their selection.

By incorporating the color selection within the popup, Caraway simplifies the decision-making process, saving users time and effort. This implementation caters to the convenience of users by enabling quick customization while maintaining their browsing momentum.

Caraway’s popup add to cart button stands as an exemplar of efficient design that empowers users to make personalized choices effortlessly. This thoughtful feature reflects their commitment to optimizing the shopping journey, fostering convenience, and enhancing overall user satisfaction.

#8. Greetabl

Greetabl’s innovative use of its sticky add to cart button goes beyond conventional practices. When a customer already has an item in their cart, the button takes on a new role by promoting an upsell. Shoppers are presented with a compelling choice to “add bonus” or “skip bonus.”

This strategic approach not only enhances user engagement but also taps into the psychology of decision-making. By offering an enticing upsell option directly through the sticky button, Greetabl maximizes the potential for increasing the average order value. Simultaneously, the “skip bonus” alternative respects user autonomy, preventing any perceived pressure.

Greetabl’s integration of upselling within the sticky add to cart button exemplifies their understanding of consumer behavior and commitment to a seamless shopping experience. This unique feature showcases their ability to transform a functional element into a value-added opportunity, ultimately contributing to both revenue growth and heightened user satisfaction.

Create Sticky Add to Cart Button in WooCommerce with Woostify

In case you are running an online store with WooCommerce, and you want to grab customers attention by adding a sticky add to cart button, you can use Woostify.

The Sticky add to cart button addon provided by Woostify theme introduces a dynamic element that remains persistently visible as users scroll through product pages. This means that potential customers can swiftly add items to their cart without the hassle of scrolling back to the top.

sticky add to cart button examples

You can easily add a sticky add to cart button to your WooCommerce store with this addon by following this detailed guide.

Final words,

In the realm of eCommerce, the sticky add to cart button stands as a powerful tool for optimizing user journeys and driving conversions. The showcased examples illuminate the significance of responsive design, clear intent communication, and seamless integration. These practices emphasize the fusion of creativity and functionality to redefine online shopping experiences. By learning from these best practices, businesses can revolutionize their approach to user engagement, fostering an environment where convenience, aesthetics, and conversion prowess converge harmoniously.

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