Range Slider for Product Attributes
Include a range slider as an option for displaying product attributes. E.g. for the height/width of a product.
Mobile Ready and AMP Compatible
Woostify should render as native Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) .
Include Vendors in search results
For multivendor websites, the search function should also include search for the vendors with the products,
Rebuild blog & single post
I know the theme is focused on woo and this is fantastic, but we need more blog funcionalities, the actual design (talking always without elementor) is too basic and should include more configuration to compete with themes like Neve, Blocksy or similar with more or less same woo functionalities.
WooCommerce Product Extras
Single Product Extras like – https://prnt.sc/10siy73 Where we can show the best messages and urgency 🙂
Waitlist for Out of Stock Product
Wait-list for where user can opt in for back in stock alert, this is a lead magnet and sales booster – https://prnt.sc/10siva9
Header and footer builder
Now themes like Neve or Astra have the possibility to create your own design header & footer just dragging and drop elements
Back to stock alert
Option to sign up to receive an email when a product is back on stock would be great.
Gutenberg blocks
Gutenberg blocks have to replace actual elementor widget with same functionalities
Ajax search returns categories
The search should also return category name and not just product names, sometimes people look for a brand or a category because the product name is unknown.