How to Add & Optimize Title Tag in WordPress?


Title tags enable you to display a different title in search engines than you do in the post itself. This could be a better-fitting abbreviation or something completely different. Title tags can help improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Click-Through Rates (CTRs), and other metrics.

In this article, we will explain what title tags are, how to add and optimize Title Tag in WordPress, and provide you with some best SEO practices while you are producing your meta title.

What is Title Tag in WordPress?

The title tag is an HTML element that contains the web page’s title. This is different from the header or page title that appears at the beginning of the page content. Instead, the title tag is shown as the title in search engine results for the searchers to click on to reach the page. Sometimes, it is called “meta title.”


Title tag is also displayed in the tabs at the top of a user’s browser.


To rank higher in Google, every HTML document, including web pages, should have a title tag.

The text in the title tag informs search engine bots about the topic of the page or article. Thus, having one is crucial.

To make things simpler, WordPress makes the page title (H1) the title tag by default.

Why do I need to use a title tag?

Using a title tag, you can shorten the text that appears on search engine results pages for a cleaner and more thorough result. That can effectively boost organic traffic by enhancing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and search result visibility.

It might appear suspicious to completely alter the title tag from the post’s title. However, there are times when having a very descriptive title on the page, but a catchier title in search results is beneficial. You can get the advantages of both if you find the right balance!

Search engines also consider title tags when determining a page’s ranking. Search engine bots will scan the title tag for keywords and rank pages in accordance, since it is meant to inform web browsers of the topic of the post. Keeping important keywords intact while strategically condensing a meta title is a skill that can help your website’s SEO and visitor traffic.

As you can see, using title tags has a lot of benefits. It takes some skill to use them effectively, but doing so is almost always preferable to just copying the post’s title verbatim.

How to Find the Title Tag?

It is easy to find the Title Tag in WordPress. There are 2 fast ways for you to know what the title tag of a page exactly is.

The first and most popular way is visiting any page or post you want, then navigating the mouse to the top bar accordingly to that page. The text that appears next to the mouse is the title tag you are looking for.


Another way is to go to any page/post, right-click anywhere on the page, then select “View Page Source” from the context menu.


The title tag will be inside the <head> tag. If you are using Windows PC, click Ctrl+F or Command+F if you are using MacBook to search for <title>.


How to Add a Title Tag in WordPress?

WordPress by default uses the title that appears at the top of a post or a page as the title tag. To add a custom meta title in WordPress, you need to edit the page’s code, use the Gutenberg editor, or make use of a plugin. Most people will use a WordPress SEO plugin to customize meta title and optimize it for better SEO results because it is easier and simpler.

So in this article, we will show you how to add a title tag in WordPress using a plugin. 

As my SEO experience, I find RankMath the best option when you are looking for a WordPress SEO plugin to use in your website because of its good reviews and use-friendliness. So in this tutorial, we will show you how to add title tag in WordPress using RankMath.

Step 1: Install RankMath to your site.

Simply go to Plugins > Add New from your dashboard, then search for the plugin and clicking Install Now > Activate


Step 2: Activate RankMath in your WordPress site.

Once activating RankMath in your site, you will be directed to a new page to connect your site to RankMath by clicking on Connect Your Account button.


Here, you can register or sign in with your Facebook/ Google/ or account.  When registering, you will be asked for your full name (for example, Donavan Bering, email address, and any other relevant information. 

Here, I am registering a RankMath account with my WordPress account. Click Approve to continue the process.


Now, just hit the OK, ACTIVATE NOW button to enable the plugin.


In this step, you can start the automated setup process by clicking on the Start Wizard button. Or you can return to your WordPress admin panel by pressing the Return to dashboard link.


All things are done automatically. So you can easily finish this process without touching a line of code.

Step 3: Add title tag in WordPress

As soon as installing and activating RankMath, you can use it as a default SEO assistance on any page or post on your site.

To add a meta title for a page/post, first, you choose the page/post that you want.

Take a look at the rank number at the red top right side of that page, then hit the Edit Snippet button.


You are then navigated to a popup that allows you to add/edit the meta title, Permalink, and meta description. When you type in the title tag in the Title box, the demo title in the Preview section will immediately be updated as the text you type. 

Once finishing, remember to Save your changes. You can see the example below to know exactly how it works.


That’s how to add title tag using RankMath, you can also add and edit meta title using other SEO plugins like Yoast SEO, All in one SEO.

But that is just the basic thing in the article today. If you want to make the title tag for the best SEO results, you should refer to the next section.

How to Optimize WordPress Title Tags for SEO?

There is a fact that can make you surprised that a page can have multiple titles depending on where you want it displayed? Below are four different titles that you can use for a single page in your content management system.

  • Title Tag: The HTML code displayed in the tab of your browser, is indexed, and shown in search results.
  • Page Title: The title you’ve given your page in your content management system for people to find it easily.
  • Page Heading: An H1 or H2 tag that typically appears at the top of your page to inform visitors of the page they are currently on.
  • Rich Snippet Title: This is the title that will appear in the preview when people share your page on social media sites. Social media platforms typically fall back to the title tag if a rich snippet is absent.

So before having a page live, you should optimize all the titles above based on the following key points.

  • On search engines, you should include keywords. 
  • On page headings, you need to provide clarity for the content that follows. 
  • Internal your website, you should make it easy to find your page when searching your content management system. 

In this blog, we’re focusing on optimizing WordPress title tags for search engines. So just keep in mind the factors below to create the best title tags for your site.

#1. Title Tag Length

Generally, you should keep your title’s length under the permitted 60 characters. But it refers to pixel width rather than actual character count.

Sometimes, some letters are slightly wider and others are slightly narrower. Therefore, there is a chance that the character limit will be 58 or occasionally 64.

However, do not overthink it. Make your title tags as descriptive and succinct as you can if you can. The title tag will be displayed in full in search results if it is between 50 and 60 characters long.

The exceeded parts of your title tag will not be shown in search results if it contains more than 60 characters. But if it takes more than 60 characters to express the page’s title to Google in a clear manner, stick with it.

Finding the ideal length for your title tag doesn’t have to leave you scratching your head. The general guideline is 60. You’re doing well if your title tags are 60 characters or fewer.

#2. Write page titles for people first, search engines second

The fact that your end users are people should be kept in mind above all else. Yes, it’s crucial to remember what Google is seeking in content. It is more crucial to create engaging titles than to consider what Google might like. Approach it from a content marketing and editorial standpoint. Consider what would inspire someone to click on your title.

Even if your site’s snippet appears at the top of the search engine results page, you won’t be successful until users click on it and go to your site. Keep in mind that a significant part of the ranking process is the click-through rate. If users don’t click on your result, your position will undoubtedly decline. Your click-through rate will eventually rise when you write for humans.

So you should comprehend the search’s context, and use syntax, and natural language. Also, make sure that title tags are clear and foremost for people. In this case, when you can’t come up with an outstanding title tag, you can rephrase this online by passing it through a rephrasing tool. It will rephrase your title into a trendy, eye-catching and descriptive one by changing its words with more appropriate ones.

Finally, comprehend the purpose of the search. Hopefully, by this point, you’ve already done some user intent research and used the results to guide the content of your website. What is the main goal that a searcher wants to accomplish when they click? 

#3. Use the main keyword(s) in the title tag

The consensus among marketers at the moment is that your title tag needs to contain important keywords (the main phrase that you’re optimizing for).

Some people advise placing it as soon as the text begins, but I’ve seen studies that both support and refute this.

It seems logical to me, intuitively, to place the keyword closer to the beginning. Because it makes sense that users would scan for the primary keyword at the beginning of the title tag even without taking into account Google’s ranking algorithm.

You should try to move your primary keyword closer to the front of the title tag if it doesn’t affect your click-through rate (i.e. if you’re forced to write a super-awkward title tag).

#4. Title Tag Uniqueness

Every web page should have a different page title.

When doing back-end engineering for a web application, many people make this mistake. They create static page titles for all of their web pages.

A lot of eCommerce content management systems perform this poorly as well. For instance, they might scale out several product pages with the same title. That’s also a bad thing.

Here, it’s important to always keep in mind that every URL needs a distinctive title tag that should be about the page’s content.

#5. Avoid keyword stuffing

There is no justifiable reason for the repetition of the same words or phrases in a short title. Don’t stuff your title tags with keywords in the hope that your rankings will improve. Stuffing your results with keywords can make them appear spammy to users and Google. It’s bad for readability and the user experience. One keyword will do, or if necessary, a second keyword variation.

#6. Use Power Words

Your first impact on the audience comes through your words. Use language that will compel readers to click through to your product page from your snippet.

Use curiosity to pique interest, arouse feelings, and induce clicks.

Avoid giving your website default titles like “Home” or “New Page.” These titles will make Google believe that you have duplicate content on your website, which will lower your ranking.

Make an effort to set yourself apart from other search-term results.

#7. Use Numbers and Brackets

In order to increase CTR, add numbers to your title tag in addition to words that will catch the reader’s attention. Click-through rates appear to be increased by using a number and ending your title tag in parentheses or brackets (or at least on our site).

#8. Mention Time of the Year to Show Recency of Your Post

Users want to find posts that are current and pertinent to their searches. They are therefore forced to click on content if the title tag contains the date. You have the chance to boost your click-through rates.

Using the current year is the most straightforward way to accomplish this for your website. The month is challenging because you must frequently update your content

#9. Brand your title tags when it makes sense

Page by page, customize your title tags. And only brand them if your brand name does not take up valuable space that could be better used to make the title more descriptive, relevant, and thus more appealing.

As your brand grows in strength, your branded title tags will convert an increasing number of search queries into clicks.


Your title tag is crucial because it is likely to be the first thing a potential customer sees when searching for your website. It aids Google in understanding the content, which is a critical component of optimization.

Because WordPress is designed to make creating a website simple, every page and post you create will include a space for you to enter the title. Plugins such as Rank Math allow you to customize your title with additional information. However, when creating your title tag, make sure to follow best practices to achieve the best SEO results.

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